Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Organic K-Biogreen is a well-balanced and nutritious organic food source made from ingredients such as beans, grains, vegetables, seaweed, bifido-bacteria and food enzyme to cleanse and detoxify, rejuvenate and restore the healthy functions of the body.

The Organic K-BioGreen is an organic food that is specially made from 58 unique selected ingredients such as beans, grains, vegetables, seaweed and bifido-bacteria and food enzyme that play important roles in the human body to cleanse and detoxify, rejuvenate, restore the healthy functions of the vital organs and build immunity. When this product is ingested into the body, it provides a full range of necessary nutrients and is suitable for those who aim for healthy diet and body slimming.

It is a well-balanced nutritious food source with no additives and non-genetically modified, which is certified by AgriQuality in New Zealand. Once the organic product has been confirmed with organic standard and verified, the product is given a label and can be taken as assurance that the elements in the organic product have met the requirements from the farm to the market.

Organic K-BioGreen also does not contain any artificial flavors, coloring, antibiotic residues, growth promoters or preservatives. On the use of manure, organic farming has set some strict guidelines. Manure carries human pathogens, but if properly treated (composted) it becomes a safe form of organic fertilizer. Certified organic farmers are not allowed to use untreated manure less than 60 days before the crop harvest and it is inspected to ensure the requirements and restrictions are met.

Some believes that organic food tastes better than conventional food. In general or for health reasons, food usually tastes better when it is fresh.
Some of the benefits of Organic K-BioGreen:

1. Strengthens immune system
2. Strengthens endocrine system
3. Cleanses digestive system
4. Helps to reduce cholesterol
5. Helps to prevent heart disease
6. Helps to prevent cancer cells
7. Detoxifies body cells and blood vessels
8. Activates body cells
9. Promotes metabolism
10. Regulates internal organs
11. Reduces stress
12. Improves memory
13. Strengthens physical and mental conditions
14. Act as antioxidants
15. Provides vitamins, minerals and complete nutrients
16. Moisturizes skin and helps to prevent skin allergy
17. Organic fasting and body slimming
18. Restores natural beauty

Directions of use :
Take one enclosed scoop per serving and mix it with water before stirring it thoroughly . It can be taken from 1 up to 3 times a day . You can mix it with milk or juices for better taste .This products contains lots of soluble fibers , which turn into gel form after mixing it with water .It is recommended that you take it as soon as it is prepared .

* Adult : Add one scoop (10g) of K-BioGreen to 300cc of warm water .Drink immediately .
* Children :Add 1/2 scoop (5g) of K-BioGreen to 300cc of warm water .Drink immediately .

* 1 Bottle = 250 gr
* 1 Bottle = 500 gr
  • Only natural ingredients are used for this product, but if you notice or experience an unusual circumstances to your body, you must reduce the amount of consumption or stop consuming it.
  • As it contains abundant fiber you may encounter loose bowel movements.
  • At the beginning of cleansing and detoxification process, there a few symptoms that you may experience as toxins, waste and free radicals are removed from the body, such as increased bowel movements, frequent urination, swollen glands, skin blemishes, flu like symptoms (chills, fever, mucous, discharge) or slight headaches. While these symptoms may be an inconvenience, these are positive sign that your body has begun to cleanse and detoxify. The temporary discomfort is worth the benefits improved health
  • Close cap firmly after use.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

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Organic K-BioGreen merupakan makanan organik khusus yang mengandung 58 jenis bahan yang unik seperti kacang, biji-bijian, sayur-sayuran, rumput laut dan bifido-bacteri serta enzim makanan.

Berperan penting dalam tubuh manusia untuk membersihkan dan medetoksifikasi, meremajakan, mengembalikan fungsi-fungsi organ penting dan menjaga daya tahan tubuh.

Organic K-BioGreen juga sesuai untuk dikonsumsi oleh mereka yang sedang dalam program diet dan menginginkan tubuh yang langsung karena mengandung nutrisi-nutrisi penting yang lengkap dan diperlukan oleh tubuh.

Dengan mengkonsumsi Organic K-BioGreen dalam jangka waktu lama akan memperoleh manfaat seperti :
  • Meningkatkan sistem imunitas dan sistem endokrin.
  • Membersihkan sistem pencernaan.
  • Membantu menurunkan kolesterol dan mencegah penyakit jantung.
  • Membantu mencegah sel kanker.
  • Membersihkan sel tubuh dan saluran darah.
  • Mengaktifkan sel tubuh.
  • Meningkatkan metabolisme.
  • Menjaga organ dalam.
  • Mengurangi stress.
  • Memperbaiki daya ingat.
  • Meningkatkan kondisi fisik dan mental.
  • Mengandung antioksidan, vitamin, mineral dan nutrisi yang lengkap.
  • Memberikan kelembaban pada kulit dan membantu mencegah alergi pada kulit.
  • Bahan organik membantu dalam mengurangi makan dan penurunan berat badan.
  • Mengembalikan kecantikan secara alami.

  • Larutkan 1 (satu) sendok Organic K-BioGreen ke dalam 1 (satu) gelas air, kemudian campur.
  • Dapat dikonsumsi 1-3 kali sehari.
  • Anda dapat mencampurnya dengan susu atau minuman jus untuk rasa yang lebih enak.
  • Produk ini mengandung banyak serat yang larut, dan akan berubah menjadi bentuk jel setelah dicampur dengan air. Sangat baik jika segera diminum setelah dilarutkan.
  • Dewasa :
    Larutkan 1 sendok (10gr) Organic K-BioGreen ke dalam 300 cc air hangat. Segeralah minum.
  • Anak-anak :
    Larutkan 1/2 sendok (5gr) Organic K-BioGreen ke dalam 300 cc air hangat. Segeralah minum.

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